Hey Everyone,
I cannot believe i finished.
I need to thank a million people for letting me be a crazy person while i embarked on this project.
Friends and Family for putting up with being my inspiration.
Nova Scotia Tourism Culture and Heritage
Music Nova Scotia
The Coast
Cool Planet
Mike Landry and the Telegraph Journal
The Impearl Theatre in Saint John and my second family there.
Coda Pop Studio
SoundMarket Studios
Everyone that has played with me over the last year : Robert Corrigan, Brad MacDougall, Mark MacDonald, Will Fisher, Kinley Dowling
Tumbleweed Entertainment (Ryan Patey)
Turbine, Pretty Things Boutique, and Argyle Fine Art for being incredibly strong female business minds that inspire my senses.
All of the fantastic venues I've gotten to play while promoting this little project that have become my home away from homes (regardless if they have pets).
My peers in the business who are constantly inspiring me and making me want to be better.
My Guitar Students and the youth at ROCK IT for letting me see your talent grow.
My roommates over the last year : Ben, Derrick, Sean, Kelly, Stuart, Stephen, Jacquelyn, Keith, Deidra, Jillian, Samantha, Mike, Ed, Steve, Andrew.
My cats for putting up with my absence while touring and commuting.
My parents Jim and Emma for being my absolute biggest fans and supporting my music and outlandish ideas.
It has been a crazy time... To recap the last year :
0 Husband
1 Surgery
2 months of bed rest
2 Concussions
2 Fractures : One Head, One foot
2 Apartments
3 Sprained toes
4 Jobs
5 Tours
6 lost capos.
7 Cats
So now what?
Time to rework these babies. Then its up to you guys to help me pick the tracks for the record.
Start sending your ideas to mary@marystewartmusic.com
Love you.
A song a day is cheaper than therapy. Please find my musings for 365 days in attempt to make one really good record.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Song 360
This song was done as an art exchange with a friend of mine who is a visual artist. He is making some art for my toronto bedroom as its currently hanging out with bare walls. And I wrote him a song.
so I will explain.sometimes its easy to get lost inside of your work. Which I tend to do quite often. Its hard to put it aside and be in "the now". This creates a problem when trying to maintain relationships (in my experience) being able to seperate yourself and your life from your work which is such a major part of it. With that said, I know nothing about Gordies situation. I just liked the idea of talking about another art form instead of saying "i felt this way so i write a song about it"-literally, in the song...... .... and this is why i never really explain myself because i ramble and quite often it doesn't make sense.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Song 358
This song is for my family at home in New Glasgow. Mom and Dad, Lee and Tessa... PUFF, Honey, and Doobs.
As well as all of my friends and extended family that I am not able to see this thanksgiving.
I thought about showering before i did this. But then I am reminded to every holiday at my parents house when my mom will ask me "Mary aren't you going to shower.. or get dressed before dinner?" And generally the anwser is no. I like to not do anything on Holidays.
Today bumbalina and I have watched America's Next Top Model reruns and made coffee... Eventually I will walk to the beer store (not the one in vic park because its scary) and then go see some Pictou County friends for a thanksgiving dinner at their place. I have doubts that it will be as good as my dads Cornbread and brandy stuffing... But. It will be better than what bumbalina will be eating today.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)
As well as all of my friends and extended family that I am not able to see this thanksgiving.
I thought about showering before i did this. But then I am reminded to every holiday at my parents house when my mom will ask me "Mary aren't you going to shower.. or get dressed before dinner?" And generally the anwser is no. I like to not do anything on Holidays.
Today bumbalina and I have watched America's Next Top Model reruns and made coffee... Eventually I will walk to the beer store (not the one in vic park because its scary) and then go see some Pictou County friends for a thanksgiving dinner at their place. I have doubts that it will be as good as my dads Cornbread and brandy stuffing... But. It will be better than what bumbalina will be eating today.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Song 355
I only have 10 days left.
this is really dark. again, one take rule. I'm in my basement and i only have a couple lamps on... i didn't know it was going to be so dark.
Sorry <3
this is really dark. again, one take rule. I'm in my basement and i only have a couple lamps on... i didn't know it was going to be so dark.
Sorry <3
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Song 354
Today I walked to the grocery store and didn't fall.
And then I walked through a sketchy neighborhood to find wine after dark.
I didn't fall! But my roommate came to save me because even in my ninja turtles hoodie I still needed to be saved.
And then I walked through a sketchy neighborhood to find wine after dark.
I didn't fall! But my roommate came to save me because even in my ninja turtles hoodie I still needed to be saved.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Song 353
Hey Folks
I'm trying to post.. Yesterday after I posted I fell off a step ladder and sprained my foot, I'm trying not to do stuff at present... but i'm bored and home alone in toronto..
I'm trying to post.. Yesterday after I posted I fell off a step ladder and sprained my foot, I'm trying not to do stuff at present... but i'm bored and home alone in toronto..
Monday, October 4, 2010
i didn't disapear.
Hey Everyone,
Sorry I've been MIA...
Sometimes when on the road its difficult to post the song a days...
However. Sometimes you are away from home and you end up with a concussion and a linear fracture in your face, and a black eye... That makes it harder to do things... And then sometimes the day after you fly back from NFLD, with a concussion and have to spend the rest of that day in the hospital. You and your cats are moving to toronto. ANd you haven't started packing yet.
So it will be an interesting and dizzy few hours before bumbalina and i board the plane and say good bye to this province that i love so much... So i'll probably be back at it with another good nights sleep. you can see my shiner! I look so hard!
I'm sure this will help my rap battle game.
Sorry I've been MIA...
Sometimes when on the road its difficult to post the song a days...
However. Sometimes you are away from home and you end up with a concussion and a linear fracture in your face, and a black eye... That makes it harder to do things... And then sometimes the day after you fly back from NFLD, with a concussion and have to spend the rest of that day in the hospital. You and your cats are moving to toronto. ANd you haven't started packing yet.
So it will be an interesting and dizzy few hours before bumbalina and i board the plane and say good bye to this province that i love so much... So i'll probably be back at it with another good nights sleep. you can see my shiner! I look so hard!
I'm sure this will help my rap battle game.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
song 352
still in nfld.
no matter how hard i try i can't figure out how to play a uke.
i don't know.
no matter how hard i try i can't figure out how to play a uke.
i don't know.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Song 341
Hey friends,
Sorry about the delay. Whitehorse and Dawson were amazing, but I got bronchitis. So I'm alittle horse, and my voice was nowhere to be seen since the last show on saturday.
I'm so happy to be home so i can get my apartment packed and ready for St Johns.
But I met some fantastic people while up north. and I want to move there.
Everyone was so warm and inviting and welcoming to us. Thank you to Andrea, Dana, and Eleanor for letting us stay with them (And annie the cat!) Also to new friends Alistar and Brandon for being awesome company on the drive to Dawson... The whitehorse star, and Dave White from the CBC..... Matthew Sarty, Tim Jones, Kyla and the staff at Bombay Peggys- and everyone else that we met while we were there. David and I had a great time all around and appreciate all of your kindess.
Sorry about the delay. Whitehorse and Dawson were amazing, but I got bronchitis. So I'm alittle horse, and my voice was nowhere to be seen since the last show on saturday.
I'm so happy to be home so i can get my apartment packed and ready for St Johns.
But I met some fantastic people while up north. and I want to move there.
Everyone was so warm and inviting and welcoming to us. Thank you to Andrea, Dana, and Eleanor for letting us stay with them (And annie the cat!) Also to new friends Alistar and Brandon for being awesome company on the drive to Dawson... The whitehorse star, and Dave White from the CBC..... Matthew Sarty, Tim Jones, Kyla and the staff at Bombay Peggys- and everyone else that we met while we were there. David and I had a great time all around and appreciate all of your kindess.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Song 340
I'm really cold, and actually alittle bit sick with a cold.
We had a great show last night at the gold rush saloon in whitehorse YT. It was awesome. Thanks to the bar for having us, to our new friends for coming out. and to local sweet heart andrea burgoyne for playing. she is awesome.
We had a great show last night at the gold rush saloon in whitehorse YT. It was awesome. Thanks to the bar for having us, to our new friends for coming out. and to local sweet heart andrea burgoyne for playing. she is awesome.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
song 337
thank you to everyone who came to the fundraiser tonight. i'm seriously touched by all of you.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Song 329 Happy Birthday Jacqueline E K Poole!
Well darling, here is a birthday song for you.
You're one swell lady, all of your friends think so.
I just got the internet back, so i'm sorry that this wasn't up sooner. I put you as *yesterdays* song and yesterdays today, because of the lack of internet/ power... but jeeze i hope you have a great day.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Song 328 For Lyndsey Van de Rijt and Ryan Schwindt
Dear Friends,
Tomorrow two beautiful people are getting hitched. And, not only are they getting hitched. They are battling the elements. (Ryan I'm making your wedding sound SO extreme!) I was envisioning the guy who does movie previews saying that.. something a little bit more profound than I ever could... You know.
Nevertheless, I adore these two. And so I wrote them a little ditty in honor of their big day. I was going to post it tomorrow. But because Earl is going to be a jerk... I wanted to send my love a good 24 hours in advance in attempt to ward off any big bad hurricanes that try to mess with us.
I wish you two the best in your life together. You are both fantastic people.
*Disclaimer* Loves, even though its your wedding ditty I still have to abide to my one take rule.. I will record in in a better format for you as soon as I have a moment :) <3
Tomorrow two beautiful people are getting hitched. And, not only are they getting hitched. They are battling the elements. (Ryan I'm making your wedding sound SO extreme!) I was envisioning the guy who does movie previews saying that.. something a little bit more profound than I ever could... You know.
Nevertheless, I adore these two. And so I wrote them a little ditty in honor of their big day. I was going to post it tomorrow. But because Earl is going to be a jerk... I wanted to send my love a good 24 hours in advance in attempt to ward off any big bad hurricanes that try to mess with us.
I wish you two the best in your life together. You are both fantastic people.
*Disclaimer* Loves, even though its your wedding ditty I still have to abide to my one take rule.. I will record in in a better format for you as soon as I have a moment :) <3
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Song 323
I was in the woods for a few days with my family and no internet or anything :) here are the songs.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
i have 30 seconds of internet.
Friends, I'll be back with all the songs on Friday! I'm in the woods with no internet! :) I've been writing them though and will put them all up then.
i have 30 seconds of internet.
Friends, I'll be back with all the songs on Friday! I'm in the woods with no internet! :) I've been writing them though and will put them all up then.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Song 315
Saying song 315- 50 days left made me really sad today.
This song might be a tad melancholy. But, I promise its a happy song.
I'm going back to the land of environmental allergies and underground tunnels tomorrow. Toronto.
I do love Toronto, and after being in Halifax for 3 days I miss Toronto. But I love Nova Scotia. I love all our trees and trips across the harbor. I could never pick. Like relationships, I have problems settling.
For now, to deal with the woes of again packing up for a few days- some wild blueberries to cure my anxiety.
Thanks for checking out A Song A Day
Friday, August 20, 2010
Song 314
this song was inspired by some mending I had to do on one of my dresses... It got me thinking that the mending job is (like cooking) only as good as the quality of ingredients you allow it. Which, me being such an expert in the world of relationships. I applied that logic to this.
So dear future husband, I'll sew you a suite and a wonderful relationship to match... maybe.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Song 313
Here is song 313.
Apparently I'm allergic to Toronto and I have environmental allergies. And thus my throat feels like a pool of fire. I would assume this pool would be made of gasoline and not water to make it more effective.
I grew up in New Glasgow- Which unfortunately was a hot bed for industry but there are enough open spaces that you can escape the pulp, tire, and steal mills.
My favorite activity when I was younger was going out to my great aunt Lil and Uncle Gilberts place and running through their huge land with their beautiful old sheep dog, feeding the goats, blueberry picking, and pulling everything that had leaves out of their garden.
I always hope that some day I'll be able to move to a country and have a spot like that.
This song is nothing about that, this was just a reflection on the fact that currently my day planner tells me where to go and my body is telling me that might not be such a good idea.
The song is about having your back up for good reason after too many burns.
Thanks again for checking out "A Song A Day"
Mary, Bumbalina, Puff, jenny, Harry, Kink, and Midnight.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Song 312
Coffee gives me anxiety now. So my morning routine is confused. I guess songs are the new coffee.
I am slightly full of mixed emotions today. Toronto has stolen my heart. Its always so difficult to leave this smoggy city that I'm sure turns my pink lungs black. However, on saturday my Bumbalina came down with some sickness before my show at The Company House with one Crissi Cochrane ( http//www.myspace.com/crissicochrane ) and luckily Crissi has been stopping in to visit the little lady for me but she will (bumbalina) at be very happy to see me home.
I adore my cats far too much. But the worst thing is them not being able to tell you what is wrong... It breaks my heart.
Thank you for visiting a Song a Day by Mary Stewart
for other music check out
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Song 310
310 means 55 left! holy smokes.
I was having a hard time not playing the Grego jingle.
This song is about my song a day project.
thanks for checking out A Song A Day
Mary Stewart
(and all her cats)
I was having a hard time not playing the Grego jingle.
This song is about my song a day project.
thanks for checking out A Song A Day
Mary Stewart
(and all her cats)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Song 308
I have had a very intense week... I'm playing with Crissi Cochrane tonight at The Company House, and tomorrow I'm in Toronto at The Drake... but for right now- its totally a saturday afternoon nap.
This song is about the internet now. And how you can have a wikipedia page that says anything... like when waters wiki page said" is blue in colour and that is why pools are blue"
I could tell the internet that you had an imaginary pet unicorn that you bring with you everywhere, the internet would believe me. Clearly I am long over due that nap.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Song 306
Thanks to the beautiful Gianna from Third Wave Radio for having me in today!
Thanks for checking out A Song A Day by Mary Stewart
Anyone looking for information on my moms blog :
Thanks for checking out A Song A Day by Mary Stewart
Anyone looking for information on my moms blog :
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Song 304
Today we are in crazy cupcake production for a fundraiser taking place tomorrow for my mom.
Please have a look at her blog. And stop by Tunes at Noon in Grand Parade Halifax tomorrow between 12 and 1.
Also, you can pop by the lovely Turbine Boutique, Argyle Fine Art, and Pretty Things Boutique tomorrow for a cupcake :)
Please have a look at her blog. And stop by Tunes at Noon in Grand Parade Halifax tomorrow between 12 and 1.
Also, you can pop by the lovely Turbine Boutique, Argyle Fine Art, and Pretty Things Boutique tomorrow for a cupcake :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Song 302
Today I asked my friend to write a song with the same ideas as me so we could compare what we came up with.
The inspiration was : Working in the office of an underwater cupcake farm... Or something along those lines. his suggestions......
i have been awake since 2am.
The inspiration was : Working in the office of an underwater cupcake farm... Or something along those lines. his suggestions......
i have been awake since 2am.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Song 298
I fell asleep after drinking margaritas.
I'm late for sound check, and not dressed appropriately yet.
Just going to play the sunstar.
Did an interview with CBC today...
I'm late for sound check, and not dressed appropriately yet.
Just going to play the sunstar.
Did an interview with CBC today...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
I'm playing the Jubilee tonight... I'm excited.
Blue Rodeo are playing. I love them...
Also, we just gave my mom a mohawk. She won't let me post pictures.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Song 291
Hey Friends,
doing something a little different today as a songwriting demo.
I haven't checked the video to see what the quality is like...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Song 290!
This means that I have only 75 songs left!
What am i going to do friends?
Do you want an album? do you want a double album? Do you want a dvd... what do you want.
Help me out here.
mary@marystewartmusic.com with your suggestions- as wild and crazy as some may be!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
song 285
Some people spend a lot of money on weddings.
Well, This song is for Jim Cuddy.
I think he is amazing. He is married and I remember one of the rules I've set up was no married men.
but I think Jim Cuddy could marry me... That would be okay.
I'll wear a wedding dress to our show to make it easy.
thank you for checking out A Song A Day by Mary Stewart!
Well, This song is for Jim Cuddy.
I think he is amazing. He is married and I remember one of the rules I've set up was no married men.
but I think Jim Cuddy could marry me... That would be okay.
I'll wear a wedding dress to our show to make it easy.
thank you for checking out A Song A Day by Mary Stewart!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Song 284
Firstly, Thank you again to the lovely folks at CTV for coming by yesterday and taking interest in the project.
Secondly, holy smokes everyone. That was crazy. Thanks for checking out the blog, sending me emails, and being awesome! The response in the last 24 hours has been unexpected. If you emailed me with a song idea (or a note) , I promise I will respond. Just have to play catch up!!
Thank you again everyone.
Todays song- Every town has one of the places people go to get dumped. This was a song idea from someone who saw the show yesterday. Good idea!
Thanks for visiting song a day!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Song 283
Hello Everyone!
Today is a big day!
I get to take my mother into the recording studio to do a song for her Compilation CD.
Be sure to check out her amazing blog/ story.
I also had some lovely folks from CTV over for some cupcakes, coffee and songs! Thank you to them.
Big love!!
Thanks for visiting song a day!
Today is a big day!
I get to take my mother into the recording studio to do a song for her Compilation CD.
Be sure to check out her amazing blog/ story.
I also had some lovely folks from CTV over for some cupcakes, coffee and songs! Thank you to them.
Big love!!
Thanks for visiting song a day!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Song 277
I adore that I can still go into a lovely store... www.prettythingsboutique.com and buy a dress that gleams from the days when it was acceptable to set your hair the night before, and expected to do so. I wish I could find a boy from these days.
This song is about that.
Also, Another link in this blog is for my mother.
As I informed everyone she is going through her battle with cancer. We've launched a blog to follow her process- And to help spread some information on the events we are planning. I'll be putting up some information tonight about a campaign
"Evergreens for Emma Lee".
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Song 274
Please welcome, New to the cast Luther Mallory.
He is the front man of Crush Luther
he will be shirtless in 10 minutes.
I will then attach my other blog and you can watch.
nevertheless he is great. and telling me to write this. or else.
i'm not using quotation marks, although that would be appropriate.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Song 272
So, as I have not explained in words but just really depressing songs- We found out that my mothers cancer was back in May, we found out this week that there is no cure. So the songs have been a little less than uplifting as of recent.
Stay tuned for some exciting posts about my ambitious efforts to associate positive with the negative by creating awareness through different outlets.
Eg- East Coast Artist Comp CD, HRM Wide Cupcake Bake Sale, Evergreens for Emma, Film Screenings, Fashion Shows, and Swanky three course tasting menus at Halifax's Best Restaurant.
If you want to get involved in any of this - please drop me a line @ marzstewart@gmail.com
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Song 262
I think you leave a stamp (intentionally or not) On everyone you've been with.
I think however, I should come with a letter of apology from all of my ex boyfriends.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Song 259
this is the finished version of the song i was working on for my job... well the second version. I guess its still not finished yet.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Song 257
Unintentionally I have some morbid posts this week, Yesterday the song was about our family dog that passed away... And today the song is about a box of remains!
I am gainfully employed with an airline, and someone was traveling with a loved ones remains yesterday... Because the box was so secure- it doesn't xray and thus security couldn't see inside the box and the guest wasn't traveling with the creamation certificate, we took the remains to our office for safe keeping until they could be picked up and taken to their final resting grounds.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Song 252
This song is about putting off the inevitable. basically through avoidance.
Everyone is good at that, and apparently I'm all too familiar with that situation.
There is always hope that things will work themselves out. As stands the saying "things take work" I've come to realize that things take work, but for the most part... things that should work- don't require that much alteration.
If you buy a dress that fits you like a glove at the store, you say "oh it fits like a glove"
what you don't do- is buy a dress at the store that doesn't fit you right and say "oh, it will fit like a glove after i rework all of the seams and sew together a brand new dress!"
There is reason why I don't explain my songs that frequently, mostly because relationships in my head get compared to new dresses and old shoes.
Everyone is good at that, and apparently I'm all too familiar with that situation.
There is always hope that things will work themselves out. As stands the saying "things take work" I've come to realize that things take work, but for the most part... things that should work- don't require that much alteration.
If you buy a dress that fits you like a glove at the store, you say "oh it fits like a glove"
what you don't do- is buy a dress at the store that doesn't fit you right and say "oh, it will fit like a glove after i rework all of the seams and sew together a brand new dress!"
There is reason why I don't explain my songs that frequently, mostly because relationships in my head get compared to new dresses and old shoes.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Song 250
I just had to have one of those 28 degree summer naps...
I'm working a lot now. this song is about one of my jobs. but its turned into more the I love NS tourism Commercial song.
The more time I spend in toronto the more time I want to spend in Halifax... cycle!
I hope you're all well. Sorry for my bedroom eyes.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Song 246
I shall reiterate my one take rule.
Its still early....
Keep sending me your album picks. We will have an official voting system soon.
Its still early....
Keep sending me your album picks. We will have an official voting system soon.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Song 244/245
Still playing catch up!
Welcome to my toronto bedroom. You'll get quite familiar with it.
Please start sending me your picks for the album.
I will love you.
Welcome to my toronto bedroom. You'll get quite familiar with it.
Please start sending me your picks for the album.
I will love you.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Song 242/243
Hey Everyone,
After a few days of unexpected events I'm back, and playing catch up.
New background! Welcome to Toronto.
This is Andrews guitar. I was supposed to tell you that.
Here are songs 242/ 243.
Thanks for being nice...
After a few days of unexpected events I'm back, and playing catch up.
New background! Welcome to Toronto.
This is Andrews guitar. I was supposed to tell you that.
Here are songs 242/ 243.
Thanks for being nice...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Son 240
Apparently i'm back to writing songs that should be performed by Taylor Swift.
And, again i stress my one take rule. Sorry for the imperfections. its been a long few weeks.
I can't wait until i can eat solid food again!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Song 228
The zombie apocalypse is an everyday fear of mine. So is the idea of settling into the crazy cat lady that I'm supposed to be long before i hook a man who doesn't like small cats and can afford to allow me to live the life that i've become accustomed to.
This song combines the two.
To recap my perfect suitor on the chance you know him, said man he must have :
Lots of money
A tiger.
Okay, glad that we recapped! let me know if you hear of anyone!
This song combines the two.
To recap my perfect suitor on the chance you know him, said man he must have :
Lots of money
A tiger.
Okay, glad that we recapped! let me know if you hear of anyone!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Song 225
Hey Everyone.
Sorry again for being MIA, After all the bad news about my mothers health I ended up in the hospital this week for some unrelated issues (silly appendix thinks its time to blow up) I'm home now. And hopefully back on track!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hey Everyone,
I just want to say thank you for checking out the blog.
Monday my family got some bad news that has had me otherwise preoccupied and thus feeling alittle uncreative/rushed.
So I will be back in routine soon I just need a few days to destress.
Apparently stress also causes laryngitis
I just want to say thank you for checking out the blog.
Monday my family got some bad news that has had me otherwise preoccupied and thus feeling alittle uncreative/rushed.
So I will be back in routine soon I just need a few days to destress.
Apparently stress also causes laryngitis
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
song 210
As i was walking down the road today this over friendly gentlemen approached me not once, not twice, but three times annoying.
So this song is for him. because i didn't like him or appreciate this.
its really short because i didn't want to think about him too much.
So this song is for him. because i didn't like him or appreciate this.
its really short because i didn't want to think about him too much.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
song 203
hey everyone
a few house keeping things.
You'll notice that i'm a few days behind- you'll notice that the background is not familiar. I'm going through some transitional moments and thus things have been crazy.
then i broke my e string.
then, blogger is stopping with the hosting of ftp so i have to figure out how to trasnfer this or run the risk of loosing everything!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Song 198
I would imagine this song will be about when another cell phone company finds a way into my heart.
Song 197
Dear Cell phone company. I really don't like you.
As a back-story I will offer you that when I went in for surgery I called this company to explain to them that I was going to be off for 2 months and unable to make a payment until the end of april. The lady that I spoke to was so helpful and accommodating that I actually wrote an email to them telling them how impressed I was with how helpful they were.
Today I received a text from them saying if i don't pay the balance immediately i would have my phone shut off tomorrow, and the arrangement dates began the 21st.
Confused, I called this company to see what was up and they explained to me that " payment arrangements are subject to discretion of ______ and can be revoked at anytime." I asked her why if this was the case the person didn't explain this to me over a month ago so I could've planned otherwise.
Result - anger.
As a back-story I will offer you that when I went in for surgery I called this company to explain to them that I was going to be off for 2 months and unable to make a payment until the end of april. The lady that I spoke to was so helpful and accommodating that I actually wrote an email to them telling them how impressed I was with how helpful they were.
Today I received a text from them saying if i don't pay the balance immediately i would have my phone shut off tomorrow, and the arrangement dates began the 21st.
Confused, I called this company to see what was up and they explained to me that " payment arrangements are subject to discretion of ______ and can be revoked at anytime." I asked her why if this was the case the person didn't explain this to me over a month ago so I could've planned otherwise.
Result - anger.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Song 189
I started writing this really serious song, and i decided that since it was really sunny outside and i'm finally back with my cats for an unknown amount of time that i should write something a little bit more.. happy.
this song is about baseball. its more about baseball than the other song about baseball i think.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Song 185/186
I was meaning to put these up yesterday, but my dear friend kenneth and I went on an adventure yesterday to find the windmills in pictou county, and ended up stuck in the mud on an old camp road on mount thom... so my plans changed a little.
Happy easter, I'll post todays song this afternoon after i've had a good share of chocolate!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
song 181
almost half way.
whoop, if i had a party hat i'd put it on.
or maybe on a cat.
cat tea party?
less cat tea party, this song is inspired by my house plants. I want to have a garden outside but i guess my back yard is actually built on concert so i have to make boxes first. I have a nice garden at my parents place, and my garden in france was crazy..
but i just got back to halifax today, and my roommates killed my house plants. between the hospital stay,toronto, and time at my parents house lets see if my green thumb can fix these.
I've had most of them since i've lived in halifax so about 5 years, which in the whole picture is a really short life, one of them came from my mothers house and it is older than me... so i hope i can bring them back to life... more on the plant death/pending zombie plants later.
here you go.
whoop, if i had a party hat i'd put it on.
or maybe on a cat.
cat tea party?
less cat tea party, this song is inspired by my house plants. I want to have a garden outside but i guess my back yard is actually built on concert so i have to make boxes first. I have a nice garden at my parents place, and my garden in france was crazy..
but i just got back to halifax today, and my roommates killed my house plants. between the hospital stay,toronto, and time at my parents house lets see if my green thumb can fix these.
I've had most of them since i've lived in halifax so about 5 years, which in the whole picture is a really short life, one of them came from my mothers house and it is older than me... so i hope i can bring them back to life... more on the plant death/pending zombie plants later.
here you go.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Song 179/180
Sorry this should've been posted earlier however i came down with a cold, (sneezing with torn abdomen muscles is probably the least fun event of the week.) as you'll notice in both of these my voice is still not back.
179) Since i've been at my parents house recovering I've done nothing but watch tv. Literally. I haven't left the house for more than an occasional dog walk in over a week. Its quite pathetic. But I'm still feeling pretty bad so i guess its acceptable. Point is, i think this song is inspired by this silly show that my mother is obsessed with "come dine with me" . my parents always have it on this show, or the food network.
180) Not about food.
I'm going back to halifax tomorrow if everything goes according, back to the kitties and my own bed and guitar!
179) Since i've been at my parents house recovering I've done nothing but watch tv. Literally. I haven't left the house for more than an occasional dog walk in over a week. Its quite pathetic. But I'm still feeling pretty bad so i guess its acceptable. Point is, i think this song is inspired by this silly show that my mother is obsessed with "come dine with me" . my parents always have it on this show, or the food network.
180) Not about food.
I'm going back to halifax tomorrow if everything goes according, back to the kitties and my own bed and guitar!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Song 178
soooo i was stuck for inspiration today.
I think a combination of not leaving the house since saturday and my limited piano abilities were the culprit.
However after i did this my macbook crashed, and i thought i lost it. But it was in the trash.
I think it was trying to tell me something.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
song 175
i apologize for the up-rise of piano songs, i'm not good at piano anymore but its much more comfortable to sit at the piano than have a guitar on me right now.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Song a nowhere.
Hey Guys,
I just thought I'd do an update where i've been MIA since last week... As i mentioned I would be going into the hospital for some super fun surgery. It all went find and dandy but i'm trying to take it easy for the next little while, but i'll be back with some fresh inspiration i'm sure.
I dearly appreciate your best wishes.
I just thought I'd do an update where i've been MIA since last week... As i mentioned I would be going into the hospital for some super fun surgery. It all went find and dandy but i'm trying to take it easy for the next little while, but i'll be back with some fresh inspiration i'm sure.
I dearly appreciate your best wishes.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the lack of song a day this week.. Things are a little crazy with the new baby in the house, as well currently (as you will note the scene change) i am in Saint Andrews NB for a couple of shows... to make everything that much more awesome I'm going in for surgery on monday. So i'm hoping to get a bit of writing done while here this weekend so that i don't get too far behind.
Sorry for the lack of song a day this week.. Things are a little crazy with the new baby in the house, as well currently (as you will note the scene change) i am in Saint Andrews NB for a couple of shows... to make everything that much more awesome I'm going in for surgery on monday. So i'm hoping to get a bit of writing done while here this weekend so that i don't get too far behind.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Song 164/165
here are two today because of the lack of wireless in SJ and the baby excitement yesterday :) <3
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Song 163
there is a baby!!!
at 1153 last night! Diedra Dianne!!!
8lbs 9oz
Also, thank you to the wonderful Vintage Bistro in Hampton NB for the great time last night, especially thank you to the fantastic staff, and the wonderful owners Carol Ann and Gary, Jeff, and Mike...and to my new pal Buddy.. Whom todays song is about.
Buddy is an awesome dog. He is a 9 year old boxer, with a huge heart and i love him.
Friday, February 26, 2010
My household is growing!
Halifax has been victim (with most of the atlantic provinces) to this crazy wind/ rain storm.. We lost power at about 430- and at that time my darling roommate Jacquelyn went into labor! She is off to the hospital and I'm off to NB for some shows, hopefully when I get back our little astronaut will be here and healthy.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Song 160
Thanks for checking this out...
This follows with my pattern of wanting to fix people... Also, inspired by surgery.
kittens inspired by surgery? I dont know. I haven't had a coffee yet today, this needs to get fixed.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Song 156
I dont know why it bothers me so much when people move my stuff... It does. I'm used to my friends being aware of the things in my room and if i get something new and cool noticing it. And knowing i'm weird enough that I don't like things to be fondled. So this really gets my goat.
I understand post people don't have a section of beatles books and a section of kant, spinzola, Nietzsche (and in french never the less) but don't touch it!
I'm not really that mad. And I apologize if you see this song and think "mary is a jerk" mary is tired. Put my stuff down.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Song 155
This song is about knitting...
I tend to not read as much as I used to these days because in my free time I'm always writing or doing more work.. So knitting is what i do when i don't want to do anything else i guess.
Its easy to hide behind I suppose.
You know what I'm talking about.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hey Everyone!
Thanks for the get well soon notes, Much appreciated!
I'm almost back to my state... An awesome sleep, followed by a good fall down the stairs... Yea... almost back to 100%
I was/am hoping to get caught up on a few of these todays. But, we'll see what my voice (or lack there of) allows me to do.
In the meantime...
I'll be performing a few dates this winter...
Feb 26th The Vintage Bistro Hampton, NB 9pm
Feb 27th Backstreet Records Instore Saint John NB 2pm
March 5th The Kennedy Inn, Saint Andrews NB
March 6th The Kennedy Inn, Saint Andrews NB
March 7th Gus' Pub Halifax, NS
March 11th C'est What Toronto ON
March 12th Grooves Records Instore London ON 2pm
March 12th East Village Arts Co-op London ON 830pm
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sick Days
Hey Friends,
This mid winter influenza is forcing me to take a couple sick days this week, I sound froggy and congested so i'm trying to catch up on sleep and get over it before the baby gets here
I'll be back with more kid songs soon :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Song 152
I love you, through and through! song 2 in the kids song a day series.
Welcome to day 2 of zombie cold.. Oil of oregano isn't working.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Song 151
Hey Friends
Welcome to song a day children's edition.
My roommates Jacquelyn and Keith are expecting their first born this weekend... I'm not sure how to act around a baby, as every time I'm faced with the opportunity I tend to talk to them like they are cats.
While helping Jakkie set up the nursery I became fascinated with her children's books. So, for the next few days I'll be taking those books and putting them to music.
Until I get inspired to finally write the kids book about all of my cats that is.
So here is day 151... "Look at me" Grosset & Dunlap circa 1982.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Song 145
This one take thing sort of backfired today because i was like heyyy this would sound nice if there was a trumpet outro. And then I was like I don't have a trumpet so i'll lalala..but then i didn't quite know where i was going...
Oh well.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Song woahwoah treat!
Hey Guys.
Sorry I fell asleep this afternoon and then had a girl date with my pal Meghan - Fid Resto and Jann Arden. Yea, had a time.
But Last night I had the wonderful pleasure of playing at the St FX Art Gallery with some great musicians. (Pat LePoidevin, The Danks, By Divine Right)
Andy Cunningham from Dimstar was there and included some of the live tracks in his podcase this week. Its #3 so check that out!
You probably want to also get those bands records. Pat's newest is to be released this month, and I enjoyed Mutant Message
with my coffee today.
With that said, its been a really busy two days and I am missing todays song- My roommate is expecting her baby this week so i'm trying
to not be that loud while she gets her rest.
But I'll have two for you tomorrow. In the mean time you have a lot of listening to do..
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Song 144
song 144! We are leaving for antigonish soon, and i won't have my computer or time to do the S.A.D so I just did a mega quick one this morning... XO
Monday, February 1, 2010
Song 143
This is one of the first songs that i don't know where to go with.. Wasn't sure if it should end here or keep going... I might keep working on it, but again.. one take means now is not the time.
Song 141 / Song 142
Song 141, Mega tired PJ song.. This weekend was busy so I had to do this on saturday morning before my epic day!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Internet woes.
Hey Friends,
My internet has been sketchy all weekend, so i'm having difficulties uploading songs 141 and 142! I'll hopefully get them up for you tomorrow!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
song 140
sorry this took awhile, i did it yesterday in a little break and didn't have time to upload it!
Whoops, I'll have 141 up tonight.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Song 37 revisit
So, I'm starting to revisit songs so that I can narrow it down for the record... This is the first one of the series... #37... my voice is quite blown due to being mega tired... mad apologies.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Song 132
To be honest I had no idea what i was about to do here.
I have spent the whole day in meetings as per usual, and teaching, and tweaking other songs and then realized how late it was when i started to re-caulk the bathtub and that i needed to write this song.
So i was messing around with these chords and wrote a sweeeet lead line. I think i require two of me, or one of me that is a far superior guitar player to be able to get through it without laughing or sweaking in excitement at the end of it.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
song 129
I've been having a hard time staying awake today and wasn't sure if i could stay awake to write the song.. but it happened without me resorting the lyrics to "oh my gosh i'm so tired i'm going to fall asleep right now!"
...It was close.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
song 123
I like this song number.
Another long day, I had an incident involving a desk and a stair case.. I'm sore.
So I'm tired and this song might be classified under "suck"
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Song 122
Here is song 122.
i've had a long day and a relaxing bath and am exhausted and its bed time! But here is a little lullaby.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Song 121
Song 121
Thank you for coming to the Carleton today for SFYS that was super fun, thanks!
I'm mega exhausted as I've been way busy today! But this song is also inspired by the massive amounts of home reno that are happening in my house today.
There is paint everywhere still, and there probably will be until the baby arrives but it's fun. I'm enjoying all of the change, the cats are not so much.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Song 119
My house has been a mess of nostalgia for the last few days as people have been moving in and out.
As with anyone in their twenties I've had my share of long term relationships fail. And it would always be the smallest things that drove me crazy by the end of it.
One of my ex's used to keep everything. Seriously everything. He would buy something and then keep the box. So when getting the apartment ready for people to move in/ out I've found so much garbage from this. Even though we broke up a year ago and we are great friends and i adore him as a person its annoying that there is still garbage (literally) to deal with.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 118
Here is day 118.
thanks to trevor murphy from CKDU's Halifax is Burning for having me in the studio yesterday to talk about the blog!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Song 115
Today I found myself uninspired. I think because being back to work after the holidays, and the snow storm, and the move, and all the painting its been hard for me to pay any attention to anything else. So i told my friend I was uninspired, and that inspired me. Interesting how that works.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Song 114
okay nevermind,
I'll just owe you one song tomorrow.
If I had enough time to write that blog, i had enough time to write a song.
But not enough time to get out of my PJ's (which i've been in all day... whoops.)
Song a day... Winter move!
Hey Friends,
I just wanted to leave a note explaining why there are two songs missing!
I've recently had 4 roommates move out of my apartment, and 2 new ones move in. So the past oh 48 hours have been used disposing of over flow from the old roommates, painting, and doing apartment repairs. It's been epic.
I am really handy with a drill, and you would be impressed.
I'll get back to this tomorrow- Luckily I've had this chaos to entertain me since yesterday morning because Halifax has been under attack by this crazy winter storm, so much snow, rain, and wind.
I shall also note, that with the 2 new people, they are expecting a new addition, and we've acquired a few more cats.
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